WFE 928

My friend and ex-workmate Kuya Bobby’s friend, Edge was hit and run by some bastard. (You can read the entire story here.) If in case you happen to know who owns the damn van, please kill them for me drop by and leave a note over there or something. Hitting and running, despite whatever reason the person may have, as […]

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Spirit Festival

Today is the 15th day of the 7th moon in the Lunar Calendar. Yes, it means that today was the renowned Spirit Festival (Ghost Festival). Since we belong to a Fukien family, we celebrate at 15th, instead of 14th. During the Spirit Festival, we burn paper money (I think they call this “Hell Money” or something) to give to our […]

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Tainted Soul

Well, here we are again, back to the old “Tainted Soul” blog that existed once, and was closed and was re-opened again. I will move the blog here since I do not think the root directory to be appropriate anymore and since my blog files are scattered all over that irritates me so much that I move my files from […]

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Tainted Desires

Unforgettable – Your refections in people’s memory. Unspeakable – Your presence itself. Your glance – Draws people as if in trance. Your voice – Drowns people as if you’re void. Glittering hazel eyes. Perfect porcelain skin. Such tantalizing eyes. Such undefined beauty. At your stare, Her body trembles with anxiousness. At your whisper, Chills run down her spines. Cold fingers […]

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